How to Password Protect an Excel File to Stop Modification

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Excel spreadsheets are used to store and redistribute tons of information! I was recently contacted by an end-user seeking how they can stop accidental modification of their Excel file by securing it with a password.

After a bit of looking around, I found the answer:


1. Open the Excel file you would like to password protect from modification.
2. Click file in the top left of Excel –
Excel 'File' button

3. Open the ‘Save as’ menu –
Excel 'Save As' Button

4. Click ‘Browse’ in the save as menu –

Excel 'Browse' Button

5. on the ‘Save as’ dialogue box, click ‘Tools’, then click ‘General Options’ –
'Save As' Box in Excel

6. Enter your desired password to stop accidental modification and then click ‘OK’ –
General Options Menu to set a modification password on Excel File

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